Believers in Christ Jesus
believe with faith that the promises of God will be fulfilled. They walk
by faith and not by sight. Patience is the attitude while waiting on God.
There are many examples in the Scriptures. Abram was one such
example. God told him of his offspring's future and the land of their
inheritance. The Holy Bible states, "Abram
believed the Lord, and he
credited it to him as righteousness."(Genesis 15:6) God did just as
He promised.
Faith recognizes and receives God's promises. Believers
in Jesus Christ are receiving them now such as the filling of the Holy Spirit.
The end result of faith is eternal life. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."(Galatians 3:29)
Challenge: Keep on believing your faith is to be rewarded! Amen!
In His Service
Your Biblical Coach
Pastor Catisha
Seeds of Harvest Biblical Coaching